An Emotional Life In Rhyme

“An Emotional Life In Rhyme” is a collection of 50 poems written as an aid to help John manage his many life traumas.

The emotions contained within are stimulated also by the personal grief of the loss of their 9-day-old son, the traumatic consequences of his brain tumour and its complications resulting in many surgical operations, inpatient stays and tours of the North West’s hospitals whilst, dealing with the equally devastating diagnosis of his wife’s multiple sclerosis.

The poems express love and support in a war against the odds, and battles against bacteria, together with the help and expertise of the medical profession. All the while trying to remain positive, with a glass-half-full attitude, aided by the love of sport and the great outdoors.

This stand-alone collection  also serves as a companion  to his inspiring previous memoirs, “A Patient Pharmacist,”  “A Patient Pharmacist-Extra Visiting Times” and “Force Ten to Kudos-A Patient Pharmacist Goes Camping”

Review from “Force Ten to Kudos-A Patient Pharmacist Goes Camping “ include:-

“Peers of the author’s age (Inc. me) will like it because John has a very scientific eye for the facts and details. The book is his personal history of camping from the 1970s to the 2020s but as he talks us through it he brings those years back to life with guides and descriptions of life as it was in those days. More importantly, it should be read by young parents who are wondering how to fund family holidays that create memories that last forever and that you and your children can build a life around. That’s what this book describes. Most of the memories are happy but it wouldn’t be real life without adventures and challenges.”


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