A Chocolate Teapot


Wendy Knight had led a successful career at the London Palladium as back-up and lead vocalist for some of the biggest names in the industry. And now at sixty-six years of age, she was no stranger to the phrases, ‘Out To Pasture, Used Teabags and Passed it,’ although she had never thought of herself in that way. So when a woman of the same age had forgotten her purse at the check-out in Waitrose supermarket, and had to walk away from her groceries, Wendy is appalled to hear the cashier call the woman “as useless as a chocolate teapot!”

Determined not to ever be referred to as a ‘chocolate teapot,’ Wendy decides to get back in the saddle and prove to the world she’s still got it!

A truly uplifting and inspirational story with a strong message that age most definitely shouldn’t define us! 


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