Dorothy Cox spent her childhood in the Home Counties, moving to the Midlands to work as a Primary School teacher, where she brought up her two sons. When they had flown the nest, Dorothy and her husband moved to the far corner of south west Wales; to their perfect house and garden. Since then, Dorothy has worked for a holiday cottage rental agency as an organiser of art and craft activities at a holiday centre for the disabled, as a receptionist at a doctors’ surgery and, finally, at an optician’s practice.
Dorothy started writing later in life. After retiring, she completed a Creative Writing correspondence course, and her short stories and flash fiction, have achieved success in competitions and published in magazines. Dorothy self-published 12 of these in an anthology called ‘Saving Susie and other Stories’. She also has a novella and an unfinished crime novel tucked away and not yet ready for the scrutiny of the outside world.
Dorothy’s first children’s story, ‘Hugo Learns to Fish’, was developed from an exercise at the weekly Creative Writing group she attends and whose members have become great friends.