Deborah Fox lives in Yorkshire with her partner Paul. She currently works for a large electrical distributor, as well as being a budding author.
Like many children, Deborah spent her time inspired by stories from AA Mile to JM Barrie, and to this day her favourite story was and still is, Winnie the Pooh! Her writing talents didn’t materialise until later in life as most of her childhood was spent dancing and performing.
Deborah’s passions are the outdoors, gardening, interior design, dogs and cinema. She has always been intrigued with all things supernatural and the time presented to her during COVID, and the inspiration from the sad passing of her dog Jake, was the start of her first novel ‘Second Hand Rose.’
With the support of family and friends and Blossom Spring agreeing to publish her story, it has fulfilled the dream to become a published author and has given the encouragement to write more stories.